KAT Team's mission is to create a scholarship fund for young adults throughout the United States and increase literacy in underserved communities.
Our goal is to promote excellence and to assist individuals who excel academically within their community achieve their career goals, an objective which has the added benefit of bettering the community at large.
In short, our goal is to insure that excellence is rewarded and that our KAT Team Scholars never be deprived of higher education due to lack of funds.

KAT Team sees higher education as a catalyst, an agent of change for individuals, families and communities.
To build our KAT Team Scholars community we will:
Promote and provide financial support for post-secondary education
​Assure that students have the information necessary to make sound financial decisions
​Lead a collaborative network of community and educational partners aligned to support student preparation, transition, and persistence to degree completion

KAT Team is on a mission to raise money for scholarships and to increase literacy in under served communities.
"Every young person in America deserves a world class education."
- President Barack Obama
We provide our scholars with scholarships and workshops on the college admissions process to maximize their likelihood of receiving scholarships throughout their attendance to higher education institutions.
We teach our scholars the power of education and provide workshops on how to capitalize on grants and scholarships through out their college admission process.
Scholars create a network that encourages one another to build their goals and dreams throughout their remaining high school and college years.
Scholars must be able to transition from academia into the workforce. We assist them through professional development workshops and internships.
Access to quality education is a crucial component to being prepared to contribute to an ever changing society.
KAT Team seeks to assist as many scholars as possible obtain access to a quality education by alleviating the cost associated with attending some of America's finest institutions.
Today, we ask you to consider partnering with us by making a tax-deductible donation to
KAT Team as we endeavor to educate America's future.